Quick setup

First, if you’ve not already, sign up for an account at git.gay. This is where you’ll put your repository. Your username on git.gay will be used as your subdomain (e.g., username.pages.gay).

Personal pages

If all you’d like is to make a page for yourself (or your organisation), create a repository on git.gay with the name pages. Follow the instructions there to create a local repository or to push an existing one. Be sure to name the homepage file index.html.

Remember that pages.gay caches files. After pushing changes to your files, it could take some time (up to 15 minutes) for them to appear on pages.gay. To remedy this, you can hard-refresh with Ctrl + Shift + R, which will have pages.gay update the cache.

Repository pages

If you’d like to create a page for a project, like username.pages.gay/repo, you could just add a folder for it on your personal pages repo. This could get inconvenient, though. Instead, pages.gay allows for repositories to have their own page.

Create a new, empty branch in your repository called pages:

git switch --orphan pages
git rm --cached -r .

Push your static files in this branch to the repository, and visit username.pages.gay/repo or repo.username.pages.gay in a browser.

Non-default branches

If your repository is called pages, by default pages.gay uses the default branch (main for most repos). Otherwise, pages.gay uses the pages branch. If you’d like to use a different branch, you can visit a more specific domain, like https://branch.repo.username.pages.gay. These domains cannot use the default wildcard certificate used for username.pages.gay pages, so it may take a moment for the page to load as the certificate is issued, but then it’ll work as usual.